0x8007232b DNS имя не существует Windows 8

How to Fix Error Code 0x8007232B on your PC

0x8007232b DNS имя не существует Windows 8

Код ошибки 0x8007232B (код 0x8007232B) — это ошибка, возникающая при попытке активации Windows Server 2008 или Windows Vista.

Общие симптомы включают:

  • Попытка активировать Windows 7, Windows 8 или Windows Server 2012 и вы получите сообщение об ошибке.
  • В сообщении об ошибке говорится: «Windows не может быть активирована. Не удалось найти узел службы управления ключами в системе доменных имен, попросите вашего системного администратора проверить правильность публикации KMS в DNS »
  • В сообщении об ошибке указано «Неверное имя каталога, имя файла или синтаксис метки тома».

Загрузка доступна для полного ремонта 0x8007232BКод ошибки

Рекомендуем: Загрузите Утилиту автоматического восстановления, чтобы исправить эту и другие проблемы с производительностью ПК.


Сертифицированный безопасный, бесплатный вирус. Выбор редактора инструментов ошибок.

  • Код ошибки 0x8007232B возникает при попытке использовать носитель, который имеет лицензию на установку для Windows: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Business, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • Этот код ошибки также возникает, когда мастер активации не может подключиться к главному компьютеру службы управления ключами.

Код ошибки 0x8007232B можно увидеть, когда вы пытаетесь активировать окна, в нескольких разных операционных системах. Обычно эту проблему можно легко исправить, но если это невозможно, обратитесь к специалисту по ремонту компьютеров.

Когда вы пытаетесь установить какие-либо из ранее упомянутых продуктов Windows, они используют общий ключ продукта для установки программного обеспечения на основе томов. Если у вас есть конфигурация хост-компьютера KMS и см.

Эти коды ошибок, это означает, что правильные записи DNS не отображаются на компьютере.

Если настройка хост-компьютера KMS отсутствует, вам необходимо выполнить эту настройку, в противном случае переключиться на метод ключа продукта MAK и активировать установку тома лицензий таким образом.

Первый метод:

Использование ключа с несколькими ключами в отличие от активации KMS

  1. Нажмите значок «Пуск», выберите «Все программы», «Стандартные», щелкните правой кнопкой мыши «Командная строка».
  2. Нажмите «Запуск от имени администратора». Введите пароль или укажите подтверждение, если запрашивается пароль администратора или подтверждение.
  3. Когда вас попросят ввести командную строку, введите следующее, а затем нажмите Enter buuton: slmgr -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Примечание: этот заполнитель представляет собой ключ продукта MAK.

Второй способ:

Настройте хост-сервер KMS для активации клиентов.

Хост-сервер KMS должен быть настроен для клиентов для активации. Когда рядом с вами не установлены серверы хоста KMS, установите и активируйте ключ сервера KMS. После этого настройте компьютер в сети для размещения этого программного обеспечения KMS и опубликуйте настройки системы доменных имен (DNS).

Метод третий:

Когда клиент не может найти узел KMS в сети для активации:

1. Убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере установлен KMS-узел и активирован с помощью ключа KMS, который зарегистрирован в DNS. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск», выберите «Все программы», «Стандартные», затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши «Командная строка».
  2. Нажмите «Запуск от имени администратора». Введите пароль или укажите подтверждение, если вас попросят ввести пароль администратора или подтверждение.
  3. В командной строке введите следующую команду и нажмите клавишу ВВОД: nslookup -type = all _vlmcs.tcp> kms.txt
  4. Затем откройте файл KMS.txt, сгенерированный этой командой. Файл будет содержать хотя бы одну запись, которая передает местоположение службы SRV.

2. Хост-сервер KMS регистрирует запись SRV DNS один раз каждые 24 часа по умолчанию. Вы должны проверить реестр, чтобы узнать, зарегистрирован ли хост-сервер KMS с DNS. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите «Пуск», введите regedit и нажмите «Ввод».
  2. Найдите HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ SL и нажмите на нее.
  3. Сервер KMS не регистрируется в DNS, если подраздел DisableDnsPublishing существует и имеет значение 1. Если этот подраздел отсутствует вместе, создайте значение DWORD, называемое DisableDnsPublishing. Если динамическая регистрация подходит, значение подраздела должно быть изменено на 0. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши DisableDnsPublishing, нажмите «Изменить», введите «0» в поле «Значение» и нажмите «ОК».

Следует отметить, что этот ключ реестра имеет неопределенное значение; Это означает, что динамическая регистрация создается каждые 24 часа, по умолчанию.

Если вы хотите всегда иметь в своем распоряжении утилиту для исправления этих Windows 10 и других связанных с ней проблем, когда они возникают, загрузите и установите мощный автоматизированный инструмент.

Для получения дополнительной информации вам могут быть интересны следующие вопросы:

Как исправить код ошибки Windows 10 0x80072F8F

Как исправить код ошибки 0x8007007B на вашем ПК

Как исправить код ошибки 0xC004F00F на вашем ПК

Источник: https://errortools.com/ru/windows/fix-error-code-0x8007232b/

Fixed! Error Codes 0x8007232b & 0x8007007B On Windows

The typical scenario will go as follows: you have gotten a new computer, have installed Windows 8 and right when you are about to activate it you get one of the following error codes: 0x8007007b or 0x8007232b.

If this scenario sounds incredibly familiar to you and you are wondering how to fix error codes 0x8007007b and 0x8007232b on Windows, I have good news for you! Not only have to come to the right place but you are now closer than ever to being able to fix this error yourself.

Yes, just that, by the end of this article you should be able to not only fix this error but also be able to understand it to a reasonable point. The main goal is fixing these two errors, and the more you will understand them the better prepared you will be to fix them.

I will start by look about these two error codes in some detail. The point of this will be to understand this error before you make any serious attempt at fixing it.

Here at Error Codes Pro, we tend to strongly suggest that users investigate and find out as much as they can about any errors they face before trying out any of the solutions we pretend. This is because we firmly believe that understanding an error is the best way to ensure that we are ready to tackle it full on.

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Although reading about an error before attempting to fix it may seem a waste of the time, the reality is that, in the long run, doing this may save you time and effort.

This is because, very often, there is more than just one possible fix for every error and choosing the right one could very well depend on how deeply we understand the nature of the error.

Other times, knowing what causes a specific error may prevent you from having it reoccur once you have fixed it (yes, sadly, some errors reoccur after you fix them).

“As someboyd who participates in the overall PC ecosystem, it’s totally great when faster wireless networks and standards come out or when graphics get faster. Windows 8 was this giant sadness. It just hurts everybody in the PC business”. – Gabe Newell

This general advice applies to most kind of errors: Windows errors ( the ones I am discussing in this very article), Mac errors, appliance errors, gaming errors, and any other errors we frequently discuss on this website.

Having said all that, it is really up to you whether you would to learn more about the error or just go ahead and follow the tutorial to fix it as soon as possible.

Of course, even if you skip ahead to the steps involved in fixing these two error messages, you can always go back and refer to anything else on this article if you then decide that, after all, you would to understand the error in more detail or if, indeed, you then feel you actually need to.

So, What Do The Error Codes 0x8007232b and 0x8007007b Mean On Windows

Although these are actually two different errors they are essentially related. As I already mentioned briefly in the introduction to this article, both this error codes only come up when attempting to activate Windows 8.

As a matter of fact, these two error codes are so closely related that the have the same cause and, as such, all the possible solutions will work just as well for error code0x8007232b as for error code 0x8007007b.

It is time now to look at both of these errors separately and in more detail. So, let’s begin by going through the error messages in full.

If nothing else, this will help you make sure that you are actually dealing with the same errors I am discussing.

Windows error codes are notoriously similar so it can be quite easy to confuse them.

All that being said, here are the error codes this article is about in full:

Windows Activation Error Code: 0x8007232b

If you get that activation error code, you will also get the following full error message:

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“Windows couldn’t be activated. Key management services (KMS) host could not be located in domain name system (DNS), please have your system administrator verify that a KMS is published correctly in DNS. Error code: 0x8007232b. Error Description: DNS name does not exist.

Windows Activation Error Code: 0x8007007b

If you get that activation error code, you will also get this other full error message:

“Windows couldn’t be activated. Go to Control Panel to learn other ways to activate. Error code: 0x8007007b. Error Description: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”

The main question you probably have at this point is: why am I getting these error codes? Well, the main reason is that the wrong product key has been entered.

So, really, unless you have a valid product key for Windows 8 that you are able to enter (or change, as the case may be), you will not be able to complete the installation successfully.

Now that I have explained both these activation error codes in detail and also explained what you will need in order to bypass them, I am finally in a position where I can go through the different methods to fix them once and far all – because these are activation errors, there is no risk they will come up again in future once you have managed to activate Windows 8 successfully.

So, without much further ado, here are the possible fixes. As I pointed out earlier, all the possible fixes apply equally to either error code0x8007232b as for error code 0x8007007b.

Possible Fix Number 1

The first possible fix for error code0x8007232b as for error code 0x8007007b will involve changing the product key for Windows 8 and activating Windows 8, using GUI (graphical user interface).

Here are the steps that you will need to follow (make sure that you follow them to the letter and do not skip any of them):

  1. Grab your Windows
  2. Close all the programs that are currently open.
  3. Once all the programs have been closed, you will need to place the cursor in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and right-click there. This action will prompt a pop-up menu to display on your screen.
  4. Go over all the different options on the pop-up menu until you locate Run and select it. By choosing Run, you will be prompting a Run command box to display on your screen.
  5. Once the Run command box displays on your screen, type the following in it: “slui 3” (no quotation marks).
  6. Once you have typed in that command, click on the OK This action will prompt the Windows Activation to display on your screen. You will be asked to enter a valid product key, so do so.
  7. Once you have entered a valid product key for Windows 8, click on the Activate

After you have followed all those steps carefully, all that is left for you to do will be to wait until Windows 8 is activated successfully!

Possible Fix Number 2

The second alternative to fixing either of these activation error codes would involve changing the product key for Windows 8 and activating Windows 8, using the Command Prompt.

Here are the steps that you will need to follow (again, make sure that you follow them to the letter and do not skip any of them):

  1. Grab your Windows
  2. Close all the programs that are currently open.
  3. Once all the programs have been closed, you will need to place the cursor in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and right-click there. This action will prompt a pop-up menu to display on your screen.
  4. Go over all the different options on the pop-up menu until you locate Command Prompt (Admin) and select it. By choosing Command Prompt (Admin), you will be prompting a User Account Control (AUC) to display on your screen.
  5. The User Account Control (AUC) will ask you the following question: “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?” Make sure that you click on the “Yes” option. This action will make the Command prompt window display on your screen.
  6. Once the prompt window displays, type the following command “slmgr.vbs –ipk [a valid product key for Windows 8]” (no quotation marks].
  7. Then, type the following: “slmgr.vbs /ato” (not quotation marks).
  8. Click on Enter.
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Once you have followed these steps to the letter, just sit back, relax and wait for Windows 8 to be activated successfully.

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As you can see, in this case, the two possible fixes are just really variations of the same thing. Just pick out the method that you feel more comfortable with as they both should work just the same. So, usually choosing the one you feel more comfortable with is a good to approach fixing these errors.

If you have any feedback about this article, or would to share your experience fixing error codes 0x8007232b and 0x8007007b, please leave us a message in the comments section below!

Источник: https://errorcodespro.com/fixed-error-codes-0x8007232b-0x8007007b-on-windows/

How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b (Fixed)

Last night we got a call from Mr. Singal: “I did a clean install just to wipe everything. Afterwards, it was activated for a couple of hours, but now it’s saying that it’s not activated anymore.

When I try to activate it, I always get Error code: 0x8007232B. Error Description: DNS name does not exist”. How do i fix it?  So, today i am going to explain How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b.

Possible Error Message: 

Error message 1:Windows could not be activated.Key management services (KMS) host could not be located in domain name system (DNS), please have your system administrator verify that a KMS is published correctly in DNS.Error: 0x8007232bDescription:

DNS name does not exist.

Error message 2:Error: 0x8007007B

“The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect”

How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b: Solution 1:

Change the product key to an MAK. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Search CMD and run as an administrator.

2. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:

slmgr -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

NOTE: Placeholder xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx represents your MAK product key.

Once you are done with this, you should see this:

Just restart your computer and the problem should be resolved.

How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b: Solution 2:

Configure a KMS host server for the clients to activate against: KMS activation requires that a KMS host server be configured for the clients to activate against.

If there are no KMS hosts servers configured in your environment, install and activate a KMS host server by using an appropriate KMS host server key. After you configure a computer on the network to host the KMS software, publish the Domain Name System (DNS) settings.

For an overview of the KMS hosts server configuration process, go to  Set Up a KMS Host on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Machine video.

How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b: Solution 3:

The client cannot locate a KMS host on the network for activation: If your network has a KMS host computer set up, and if the client cannot locate a KMS host on the network for activation, follow these steps:

1. Verify that the computer that has the KMS host installed and that is activated by using a KMS key is registered in DNS. To do this, follow these steps:

Open CMD as an administrator. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER: nslookup -type=all _vlmcs._tcp>kms.txt

Open the KMS.txt file that is generated by the command. This file should contain one or more entries that resemble the following entry:

If these “_vlmcs” entries are present, and if they contain the expected KMS host names, go to the “Solution 4” section.

2. By default, a KMS host server dynamically registers a DNS SRV record one time every 24 hours. Check the registry to determine whether the KMS host server is registering with DNS. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, type regedit, and then press Enter.
  2. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL

  3. If the DisableDnsPublishing subkey is present and has a value of 1, the KMS service does not register in DNS. If the DisableDnsPublishing subkey is missing, create a new DWORD value namedDisableDnsPublishing. If dynamic registration is acceptable, change the subkey value to 0. To do this, right-click DisableDnsPublishing, click Modify, type 0 in the Value data box, and then click OK.

If the DNS Server service does not support dynamic updates, or if dynamic updates are not occurring, the “VLMCS._TCP, SRV” record may be manually registered. To manually create a KMS SRV record in a Microsoft DNS server, follow these steps:

  1. On the DNS server, open DNS Manager. To open DNS Manager, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
  2. Click the DNS server where you have to create the SRV resource record.
  3. In the console tree, expand Forward Lookup Zones, right-click the domain, and then click Other New Records.
  4. Scroll down the list, click Service Location (SRV), and then click Create Record.
  5. Type the following information:
    • Service: _VLMCS
    • Protocol: _TCP
    • Port number: 1688
    • Host offering the service:
  6. When you are finished, click OK, and then click Done.

To manually create SRV records in a BIND 9.x Compliant DNS server include the following information when you create the record.

How to fix Windows Activation Error 0x8007232b: Solution 4:

Manually assign a KMS server: By default, the KMS clients use the automatic discovery feature and query DNS for a list of servers that have published the _VLMCS record within the membership zone of the client.

DNS returns the list of KMS hosts in a random order. The client picks a KMS host and tries to establish a session on it. If this attempt works, the client caches the server and tries to use it for the next renewal attempt.

If the session setup fails, the client picks another server randomly. We highly recommend that you use the automatic discovery feature. However, you can manually assign a KMS server.

To do this, open an elevated command prompt on the KMS client.

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To open an elevated command prompt, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

Use the following commands from an elevated command prompt:

→ To assign a KMS host by using the FQDN of the host, type the following command:

cscript \windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -skms :

→ To assign a KMS host by using the version 4 IP address of the host, type the following command:

cscript \windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -skms

→ To assign a KMS host by using the version 6 IP address of the host, type the following command:

cscript \windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -skms

→ To assign a KMS host by using the NETBIOS name of the host, type the following command:

cscript \windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -skms

→ To revert to automatic discovery on a KMS client, type the following command:

cscript \windows\system32\slmgr.vbs –ckms

This should resolve your problem for other Microsoft Error Code check here. In case, you still can’t get rid of this problem, just create a FREE support ticket and our technical experts will resolve the issue within 24 hours, to get support click HERE

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Inspired By: Microsoft 

Источник: https://www.techyuga.com/windows-activation-error-0x8007232b/

Microsoft Windows Error Code 0x8007232b Office Professional Plus Issue

If you are also annoyed with Windows Error Code 0x8007232b PC problem, then today read this below post to find out that how to fix and solve this Windows error problem.

This error 0x8007232b problem can occur many times when you were trying to activate your Windows with a product key. This Error Code 0x8007232b problem happens when you are trying attempting to Activate your Windows Vista or Server 2008.

This shows an error code message ,

Windows couldn’t be activated

Windows Error Code 0x8007232B
Error description: DNS name does not exist.

Causes of Windows Error Code 0x8007232b PC Issue:

  • Dns name does not exist join domain
  • Windows error issue
  • Mak product key
  • Microsoft activation error
  • Security spp 0x8007232b
  • Office 2010 error issue

You may also ;

Here are some top best tips and tricks for easily fixing and solving this type of Windows Error Code 0x8007232b PC problem from your Windows PC completely.

1. Fix by nslookup kms.txt File in CMD (Command Prompt) –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search and click on Cmd
  • Right-click on cmd (Command Prompt)
  • Click on ‘Run as administrator‘ there
  • Type ” nslookup -type=all _vlmcs._tcp>kms.


  • Now open kms.txt file
  • If kms.txt file having & KMS server entries
  • Then, go to the Method 3

By nslookup kms.

txt File will fix and solve this Windows 10 Error Code 0x8007232b problem.

2. Locate a KMS Host on the Network for Activation in RUN –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type ‘ Regedit ‘ there
  • Press enter
  • Find & click the following key in the registry:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL
  • If DisableDnsPublishing subkey is present & has a value of 1 >
    the KMS service does not register in DNS
  • If DisableDnsPublishing subkey is not present or missing >
    Create a new DWORD value named DisableDnsPublishing
  • If dynamic registration is acceptable, Change subkey value to 0
    Right-click on the DisableDnsPublishing,
    Click on modify option there
    Type in the value data box
    Click on OK option there or Press enter
  • If DNS server service does not support dynamic updates or if dynamic updates are not occurring, VLMCS._TCP, SRV record may be manually registered
    Manually create a KMS SRV record in a Microsoft DNS server
    Op the DNS server,
    Open the DNS Manager
    Go to the start menu
    Click on administrative tools there
    Click on the DNS
    Click on the DNS server where you have to create the SRV resource record
    In the console tree, expand ‘Forward Lookup Zones.’
    Right-click on the domain
    Then, click on other New Records
    Scroll down the list
    Clicks on ‘Service Location (SRV)
    Then, click on Create Record
    Type the following information:
    > Service:_VLMCS
    > Protocol:_TCP
    > Port number: 1688
    > Host offering the service:
    When you are finished,
    Click on OK button
    Then, click on the Done

By Locating a KMS Host on the Network for Activation will also surely fix this Windows Error Code 0x8007232b problem.

3. Manually Assign a KMS Server in CMD (Command Prompt) –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search and click on cmd
  • Right click on Command Prompt
  • Click on “Run as administrator.

  • To assign a KMS host by using the FQDN of the host, Type this following command
    slmgr -skms :
  • To assign a KMS host by using the NetBIOS name of a host, Type this following command
    slmgr -skms :
  • To assign a KMS host by using the version 4 IP address of the host, Type this following command
    slmgr -skms :
  • To assign a KMS host by using the version 6 IP address of the host, Type this following command
    slmgr -skms :
  • To revert the automatic discovery on a KMS client, Type this following command
    slmgr -ckms

By Manually Assigning a KMS Server will fix this Windows 10 Error Code 0x8007232b problem.

4. By using Multiple Activation Key in CMD (Command Prompt) –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search & click on cmd there
  • Right-click on cmd &
  • Click on ‘RUN as Administrator‘ there
  • Type ” slmgr-ipk your-activation-product-key ” there
  • Press enter there
  • Now type ” slmgr -ato there
  • Press enter there
  • That’s it, done

By using Multiple Activation Key in CMD will activate your windows and easily fix this Windows Error Code 0x8007232b problem.

These are some top best guides to fix this Windows Error Code 0x8007232b PC problem from you quickly. Hope it will help you surely to work around this Error Code 0x8007232b Windows problem.

Also, read;

If you are facing any error while fixing this Windows Error Code 0x8007232b PC problem, then comment down the question below so that we will fix it too by our other methods. Or feel free to contact us through our Contact Us Page.

Stay connected for the more updates ..!!

Источник: https://www.techinpost.com/fix-error-0x8007232b-code-problem/

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